Over 80 years of investment,
with a vocation for social work and culture.

A wealth of experience

Narval Investimenti S.p.A. is an industrial holding company wholly owned by the Giubergia and Argentero families. Established through a demerger from Ersel Investimenti SpA, its objective is long-term investment initiatives.

The history of Narval Investments is closely linked to that of Ersel, which has specialised in asset management since 1936. Founded as Studio Giubergia di Agenti di Cambio in Turin by Giuseppe Giubergia, it is now a banking group, the largest independent wealth management operator in Italy, with offices in Italy and abroad.

Narval Investimenti has diversified its assets and is now present in several industrial sectors (in particular healthcare and renewable energy) and in the real estate sector, with major investments mainly in Turin and Milan.

Attention to social issues is a vocation of the family, which set up the Fondazione Paidea in 1993 and the Fondazione Renzo Giubergia in 2010.

il gruppo 2

Narval Investimenti S.p.A.

  • Healthcare

    • Gruppo Koelliker 100%

  • Industrial Investments

    • Sied 25%

    • Arbo 10%

    • Solar Investment Group 16,5%

    • PerMicro 10%

    • Farmagorá 12%

  • Private Equity

    • Gruppo Florence <5%

    • Neopharmed Gentili <5%

    • U-Power <5%

    • Desa <5%

    • Newcleo <5%

    • Investment Funds 30+

  • Property

    • Caradosso Milano

    • Solferino Torino

    • Corso Dante Torino

    • Residenza Ferrucci Torino

    • Altri Investimenti

Board of Directors

Guido Giubergia Chairman

Daniela Argentero Director

Francesca Giubergia Director

Paola Giubergia Director

Silvia Griglio Director

Ferruccio Luppi Director

Andrea Rayneri Director

Stanislao Vialardi di Villanova Director

Board of Statutory Auditors

Maurizio Ferrero Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors

Francesco Chiarle Auditor

Alessandro Forte Auditor

Independent Auditor

Deloitte & Touche S.P.A.

Management Team

Mauro Castellano Head of Investments

Pietro Poli Industrial Investments

Giorgio Pagliero Industrial Investments

Elena Maina Real Estate Investments

Enrico Asinelli Real Estate Investments

Silvia Magnano Real Estate Investments

Edoardo Martini Finance

il gruppo chiusura